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This page is an attempt at collecting pointers and references to online job resources. We hope that it will be helpful to VACETS members, in job search and career improvements.
If you would like to post or receive technical job openings posted by VACETS members and friends, you may join our vacets-jobs forum by sending an e-mail to Majordomo@vacets.org, no subject line is needed, and type "subscribe vacets-jobs" in the text body.
Please feel free to post your company's job openings on the vacets-jobs@vacets.org forum.
ACM provides a nice list of many academic job openings nationwide in the US.
This site provides job announcements of faculty and staff positions, as well as post-doc and graduate fellowships and assistantships.
This site, hosted by the U.S. Department of Labor, provides an on-line job service linked from over 1800 state employment agencies, public agencies and private sector corporations.
This sites lists job openings related to computer, engineering and sale.
This site provides employment ads related to computer, engineering and others.
This site provides job banks service, sample resumes, as well as books and software related-offerings.
This site lists many job openings related to computers and engineering.
This site provides links of thousands of job openings offering by hundreds of high-tech companies.
This site provides a searchable database of various job opportunities.
This site lists job openings weekly advertised on over 20 major newspapers in the US.
This site has job listings taken from the last two Sunday editions of The Washington Post in various geographical sections of the D.C. metropolitan area, sorted by occupational category.
This site provides job postings, and resume searches. A job seeker can put resume and search freely job database.
This sites lists job openings related to information systems, engineering, sales and marketing.
This site allows you to search for information on over 100,000 public and private companies or browse by industry.
This site lists thousands of job openings offering by computer and communication companies in an alphabetic order.
This site provides Job Search, Announce Availability, Destination Gateway, Company Directory, and Recruiter's Page of more than 600 employers.
This site provides a searchable library of various job openings, salary survey, and resume editing available by subscription.
This site lists nationwide engineering and technical job openings. Users can search or browse various job database.
This site primarily links to jobs in Europe, especially in Belgium and Germany.
This site consists of 500,000 company addresses from over 25 European countries with links to each country's yellow pages.
This site provides U.S. Federal Government. job openings sponsored by FedWorld.
This site provides U.S. Federal Government. job openings sponsored by OPM.
This site links to employment agencies (e.g.; temporary agencies, talent agencies, modeling agencies)
This commercial employment site allows you to access to the original job listings of 10,000 employers
This top high-tech job web site features over 600 employers with over 20,000 high technology career opportunites. It also offers resume service, employer directory, and articles on enhancing your career and job search prospects.
This site provides job database search, resume tips and postings.
IEEE provides an excelent job service. Visit it to see!
This site specializes in providing employment and resume information services to job candidates, employers and recruitment firms.
This sites lists various job openings related to computer, engineering and marketing.
This site lists jobs in the U.K, Europe and the Middle East.
This site has a nice list of local resources and job-listing sites for each region in the United States.
This site provides lots of indexes of companies with employment information categorized by alphabet and location.
This site lists various jobs openings, including internship or co-op opportunities, academy, indusutry, and U.S. Federal Government jobs.
This site lists open academic medical teaching positions openings at various US medical schools.
This site provides faculty and staff job openings.
This site lists current job opportunities and responds to companies on this site at no cost.
This lists job openings, and provides career, resume, and salary tips.
This site has about 10,000 Sunday newspapers in over 60 U.S. metropolitan areas. Geared toward management, professional, technical and executive positions advertised from the previous Sunday and remain up for three weeks.
This site provides a relational database directly linked to career opportunities available at the participating sponsor-advertisers. It links skilled individuals to those sponsors based on the needs of both parties.
This site provides job opportunities sites, with resume listings, employer profiles, and job openings searchable by a state, Federal, or industry key word
This site provides various Internet career resources, with job listings, student resources, and jobs search.
This site provides job listings searchable by a key word, a resume service, and library of career resources, with an emphasis on high tech careers.
This National Business Employment Weekly site provides a fascinating guide to the major job listing sites on the Web.
This site provides a comprehensive, nationwide listing of employment opportunities for professionals in the high technology field.
This site provides VACETS articles, which may help you to enhance your career development and leadership
This site provides techniques for career enhancement.
This site allows you to link up to 3,622 newspapers websites. Lots of business papers, and lots of help wanted ads and career development columns that make this one a very attractive and impressive site.
This guide pulls together the Net's best sources of job openings and career development information, along with a description and evaluation of each resource.
This site provides a good Career Development Center online as well as puts up a list of employers who place job opportunities on their own Web servers.
This site provides a vast library of information dealing with the subject of federal employment.
This site connects you to various jobs search and services.
This site provides techniques for an effective job search and a well prepared resume /cover letter.
This site provides articles, free resume uploading and employer profiles.
This site provides various on-line job services.
This site provides a directory of companies searchable by key word and state.
This site allows you to search an organization's name to see what domain names are registered to that organization (if any) on the Internet.
For comments, questions and other requests, please send email to: vacets-adcom@vacets.org
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