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Frequently Asked Questions about VACETSVer. 3.3 |
A: It is the Vietnamese Association for Computing, Engineering Technology, and Science.
It is a non-profit, non-political, techniocal association of professionals.Address: VACETS. P.O. Box 230358, Centreville, VA 20120 - USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
A: To learn more the establishment of VACETS, you can read Personal VACETS Journey
written by Dr. Viet-Dung Hoang and My Journey to VACETS written by: Dr. Tran Thong.
A: Any professionals with access to e-mail. You can formally join us by applying with our membership form, or you can request to be put on our bulletin board mailing list.
With formal membership you can participate in voting activities, run for office in VACETS, have discounted conference fees, and have access to our library.
There is currently no membership fee.
A: To join VACETS, you need to send a request to [email protected], with subject line "VACETS", and type in the text body "I would like to join VACETS, and also please send further information". You can leave VACETS at any time.
A: You get access to a large number of professionals with whom you can share your professional experience and learn to grow together in a professional community with a common cultural heritage.VACETS organizes international technical conferences, and local seminars; publishes journals and magazines covering various computing, engineering technology and science areas; and provides technical columns to keep its members' knowledge and expertise state-of-the-art.The Career Development and Management Leadership column and the VACETS Job Sources and Service allow members to learn more about career development and jobs search.
A: Established in 1994 as a non-profit, technical professional association, today's VACETS is comprised of more than 900 members, of which there are over 600 registered members (5% Ph.D., 55% MS/MBA, 35% BS/BA), who conduct and participate in its activities in 20 countries. The VACETS members are the engineers and scientists working with a competitive edge reshaping our world today.
A: Established in 1994 as a non-profit, technical professional association, VACETS has had
the following presidents:1994-1995: Tran Thong, Ph.D.
1995-1996: Viet-Dung Hoang, Ph.D.
1996-1997: Thao Mong Le
1997-1998: Luc Tien Nguyen, Ph.D.
1999 - 2000 Mr. James Lap
2000 - 2002 Dr. Tri HuuCao
2002 - 2003 Dr. Hung Nguyen
The current VACETS President is Dr. Tran Hai
A: Our main communication medium is the Internet. In addition to the main VACETS bulletin board, which you are signed up automatically when you join, there are a number of more topical bulletin boards. Except for the main bulletin board, you have to personally subscribe to these bulletin boards. The current list of bulletin boards is:
1. [email protected], [email protected]: these are the official bulletin boards. Posting to this is restricted. Contact the administrative team to sign-on and sign-off this bb.
2. [email protected]: this is the technical bb.
3. [email protected]: this is used to discuss administrative issues, for debating issues.
4. [email protected]: for general discussion.
5. [email protected]: for job related discussion, job openings listing, and resume review.
6. [email protected]: for education related issues.
To subscribe/unsubscribe to these bulletin boards, mail to the appropriate host servers for BB #2, 5, using the example below
To: [email protected]
no subject line is needed, and type in the text body:subscribe vacets-tech [email protected]
subscribe vacets-jobs [email protected]
To subscribe/unsubscribe to BB #3, 4 using the example below.To: [email protected]
no subject line is needed, and type in the text body:subscribe vacets-gen [email protected]
subscribe vacets-issues [email protected]
For BB #6, you need to mail
To: [email protected]
Subject: vacets-edu
with the body of textsubscribe vacets-edu [email protected]
In addition to these subscribable bulletin boards, there are a number of administrative bulletin boards for the officers of the VACETS to use in their work. While any member can send an e-mail to these administrative bulletin boards, they are only readable by the members of the relevant administrative groups. They are:
1. [email protected] - to reach members of the Administrative Committee of VACETS
2. [email protected] - to reach the Chairs of the various committees in Adcom, the Chairman.
3. [email protected] - for membership related matters and to sign-on and sign-off the [email protected]
A: At the present time the Administrative Committee (Adcom) is responsible for the operation of VACETS. Please see the complete Adcom list in our information package. During the formative year (1994-1995), this has been an ad-hoc committee. The plan is to have elections in 1995 for the 1995-1996 term, and there will be elections every year after that.Starting with the 1995-96 term, the organization will be as described in the Bylaws. The elected Executive Committee, which consists of 7 members, runs VACETS. The President is the head of the Executive Committee and is also the Chair of the Administrative Committee. The President-elect is the Secretary- Treasurer of VACETS and is also the Vice-Chair of the Admission Committee. The past-President chairs the Voting Committee. The Administrative Committee, which is taking care of the day-to-day operations, is appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. The members of the Executive Committee are elected for a one year term, with the exception of the President- elect, who has a 3 year term, and is selected from the newly elected Executive Committee members, as described in the Bylaws. The President-elect becomes the President the following year, and then the past-President in the third year.
Please click here for information about 1998 VACETS Board election.
A: Since VACETS currently does not collect any membership fee, we depend on the support of members for our resource. Computer access, networking and storage is provided courtesy of a number of our members. Thus, it may become necessary for us to shift sites once in a while. For a list of current resources, see the list of our network addresses.
A: Since VACETS is a non-political organization, it is our position that any Vietnamese professional, irrespective of his/her location and political affiliation can join VACETS. Thus any professional in Viet Nam with access to e-mail can join.Because this is after all an ethnic based organization (the V in VACETS), one of the stated objective of VACETS is to try to reach out to the technical community in Viet Nam. As such, we may in the future (after 11/94) establish communications with certain professional individuals and/or technical organizations in Viet Nam with the objective to understand the technical needs of the professional communities and provide them access to a technical forum. This form of communication has been approved by a majority of VACETS members in October 1994. Any activity beyond communication will need to be approved by a majority of VACETS members again. All communications to and from will be posted in [email protected]
A: Every member has access to the various bbs of VACETS. Thus, if he/she believes a worthy project should be undertaken, it can be proposed directly to the members on vacets-gen or vacets-issues bulletin boards, or to the officers of VACETS through the vacets- adcom or vacets-heads addresses. The officers may decide that certain activities are worthwhile to be endorsed as VACETS activities and will make proposals to undertake them as such. Others are better carried out by individuals.In our bylaws, there is a recognition that members and officers can under certain circumstances call for a ballot initiative. This will then be voted by the whole membership of VACETS.
The first such member initiative was voted in September/October 1994. It was originally proposed by a member of VACETS and referred by officers of VACETS for approval to the general membership.
A: Except for officers election, which will be dealt in the bylaws and through precedence, in general on member- or officer-proposed initiatives, it is one vote per member. A simple majority (50+% of valid cast votes) is required for an initiative to carry. In case of a tie (exactly 50% of valid votes are in favor of the initiative), the presiding officer of VACETS will cast an additional vote, publicly.The expectation is that this vote will be in favor of the initiative, in recognition of the effort made by the ballot proponents to get this voted. However, he/she is free to turn it down, but in this case an explanation is expected from the presiding officer. In the earlier case, no explanation is necessary.
The initiative question will be prepared by the proponents of the initiative after the conditions for putting the ballot to a vote by the membership is satisfied (to be described in bylaws). The officer in charge of voting, will schedule the ballot and set up a time frame for debate.
A: The standard netiquette applies. Be courteous to other, you can disagree but never make it personal.The following was copied from the SEASIA-L FAQ.
The cryptic, often-uninflected style of email writing can result in messages being interpreted in much harsher terms than the writer intended. All too often, this leads to "flame wars" resulting in waste of computer resources, hurt feelings, and a general disaffection. Biting criticism and personal attacks are unfunny and unwanted.
Remember, there is a real person on the other end. You are responsible for what you write.
Finally, be aware that it is a trivial job for "someone" to monitor electronic mail or any discussion list. It is also extremely easy to save any message and to forward it electronically or repost to another list.