Dear VACETS members,

The following candidates were officially running for the election of the Executive Committee for the term of 1998-1999 and the election results are as follows:

Tran Thong ..... .....................84%
James Lap .............................81%
Nguyen Manh Tien.................66%
Nguyen Hung..........................59%
Tran Mai-Huong ......................53%
Vu Truong Tho .......................49%
Tran Ngoc Boi. ........................43%
Tran Alan............ .....................39%

Dear VACETS members,

I am pleased to announce 8 candidates who stand for this 1998 VACETS
Board election.  From the 6 members elected this year, the one who
receives the  most  votes will become the President  of VACETS (98-99);
the runner-up will become the President-elect of  VACETS.

The  names of  the candidates are shown below arranged in
chronolological order based on the receipt of their candidates'  forms:

1.      Tra^`n Tho^'ng
2.      James La^.p
3.      Tra^`n Ngo.c Bo^.i
4.      Tra^`n Mai-Hu+o+ng
5.      Nguye^~n Ma.nh Tie^'n
6.      Nguye^~n Hu+ng
7.      Tra^`n H. Alan
8.      Tru+o+ng Tho.

We have set up [email protected] forum for election Q&A.
So,  please send  all questions and answers to:

     [email protected]

Please participate in this election Q&A to allow you to learn
more about the candidates' background, mission and goals.
where/when/what to send:

               Questions to candidates: March 30 - April 6, 1998
               Forum: [email protected]. All registered
               members will be automatically signed up to this
               forum for the duration of the Q&A.

If you do NOT want to receive the election Q&A, you can send an e-mail

        To: [email protected]
with the text body
        unsubscribe vacets-election

Currently, the VACETS Database consists of around 800 membership forms,
of which about 660 e-mail addresses are valid. This is due to a number
of members recently changed e-mail addresses but do not inform
VACETS-Admin of their changes to update.

For this election, only the registered members whose e-mail addresses
listed on the eligible voters lists (660) are able to post questions on the
vacets-election forum. Non registered members (around 300) can also
subscribe to the vacets-election forum to receive the Q&A, but can not
ask a question.

Happy Q&A and my best wishes to these candidates.

Best regards,

Thao M. Le
([email protected])
Chair, 1998 VACETS Election

You can move to the next candidate information by searching for the
string "+++++". The [email protected] forum is now ready
for the Q&A session.

VACETS DDo+n u+'ng cu+? / Candidate Form

+++++ Candidate #1:  TRA^`N THO^'NG

1. Te^n Ho. / Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical

Tra^`n Tho^'ng

2. Pha'i / Gender:  Nam

3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+? / e-mail address: [email protected]

4. Nghe^` nghie^.p / Professional position:

Pho' To^?ng Gia'm DDo^'c Ky~ Thua^.t  - Micro Systems Engineering, Inc.

5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS / year joined VACETS: 1994 (One of the VACETS

6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS / short
biography and summary of activities in VACETS:

Chu? VACETS (1994-95), Cu+.u Chu? (1995-96), Co^'
Va^'n Ban Gia'm DDo^'c (1996-98). Tru+o+?ng ban chu+o+ng tri`nh ky~
thua^.t (Technical Program Chairman) ho^.i nghi. VTIC97.
Trong tho+`i gian qua phu. tra'ch mu.c Market Thyself (1994-96)
va` Vietnamese Culture (1996-98) tre^n die^~n dda`n ddie^.n tu+?
[email protected]. Phu. tra'ch ddie^`u ha`nh ca'c die^~n dda`n ddie^.n
tu+? [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected].
Dda~ tu+`ng dda(ng ba`i trong ca'c  ta.p chi' VACETS Magazine va` dda~
tham du+. va` tri`nh nhu+~ng ba`i ba`i ky~ thua^.t trong VTIC96 va`
VTIC97. La` ngu+o+`i chu? tru+o+ng du`ng tie^'ng Vie^.t trong ta.p
chi' ky~ thua^.t VACETS va` trong ho^.i nghi. VTIC97.

Ve^` phu+o+ng die^.n chuye^n nghie^.p to^i la` mo^.t ky~ su+
ddie^.n chuye^n ve^` he^. tho^'ng (System Engineer). To^i dda~
o+? trong nghe^` tre^n 25 na(m va` dda~ hoa.t ddo^.ng vo+'i nhie^`u
tu+ ca'ch ky~ thua^.t va` qua?n tri. o+? Bell Labs, General Electric,
Tektronix, va` Micro Systems Engineering.

Ngoa`i co^ng vie^.c la`m o+? co^ng ty, to^i cu~ng dda~
tu+`ng da.y o+? mo^.t so^' dda.i ho.c. To^i hie^.n la` Gia'o Su+
ban Phu. Gia?ng (Adjunct Professor) ta.i Oregon Graduate Institute
of Sciences and Technology. To^i cu~ng na(`m trong ban co^'
va^'n nghie^n cu+'u trung ta^m ky~ thua^.t sinh-y (Biomedical
Engineering Institute) dda.i ho.c Erlangen o+? CHLB Ddu+'c.

To^i ddem to+'i VACETS nhie^`u kinh nghie^.m to^? chu+'c trong
ca'c ho^.i ddoa`n ky~ thua^.t. To^i la` ngu+o+`i Vie^.t dda^`u
tie^n ddu+o+.c ba^`u la`m ho^.i vie^n u+u tu' (Fellow) cu?a
ho^.i IEEE. Trong ho^.i IEEE to^i dda~ tu+`ng la`m chu?
chi nha'nh (section chairman), pho' bie^n ta^.p ky~ thua^.t (Associate
Editor) ta.p chi' IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, chu?
u?y ban ky~ thua^.t (Technical Committee Chairman), dde^. nhu+'t pho'
chu? (Executive Vice President) ho^.i ddoa`n IEEE Circuits and
Systems. To^i dda~ tu+`ng ddu+'ng ra to^? chu+'c ho^.i nghi. ky~ thua^.t
(General Chairman 1989 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and

To^i cu~ng co' hoa.t ddo^.ng cho mo^.t ho^.i  tu+` thie^.n
giu'p Vie^.t Nam. Ho^.i na^`y trong ma^'y na(m qua dda~
ca^'p ma^'y nga`n ddo^ la ho.c bo^?ng cho ca'c sinh vie^n o+? hai
tru+o+`ng dda.i ho.c o+? Saigon va` Hue^'. Chu+o+ng tri`nh o+?
Hue^' do  to^i dde^` nghi. sau mo^.t chuye^'n tha(m que^ no^.i
qua' u+ nghe`o na^`y\.

Co^ng ty cu?a to^i cu~ng co' nhu+~ng hoa.t ddo^.ng thu+o+ng ma.i
o+? VN ne^n to^i cu~ng co' di.p tham gia mo^.t so^' ddo^.ng ky~
thua^.t vo+'i ca'c ddo^`ng nghie^.p o+? VN. Mu.c ddi'ch cu?a
to^i trong ca'c ddo^.ng na^`y la` giu'p ta(ng tri`nh ddo^.
ky~ thua^.t cu?a ca'c ddo^`ng nghie^.p o+? VN. Cu~ng trong hoa.t
ddo^.ng na^`y, to^i cu~ng co' to^? chu+'c xin mo^.t so^'
cu. y khoa cu? cho ca'c be^.nh nha^n nghe`o o+? VN.

Trong co^ng vie^.c cu?a to^i, to^i cu~ng dda~ tu+`ng co' di.p
ddi nhie^`u nu+o+'c ne^n cu~ng co' pha^`n na`o hie^?u ti`nh sinh so^'ng cu?a ca'c anh chi. tre^n the^' gio+'i\.
Ngoa`i tie^'ng Anh va` tie^'ng Vie^.t to^i cu~ng tha.o tie^'ng
Pha'p, va` cu~ng bie^t ddo^i chu+~ tie^'ng DDu+'c va` co' the^?
ba(.p be. mo^.t va`i tie^'ng Nha^.t.

To^i dda~ dda(ng trong ca'c ta.p chi' ky~ thua^.t va` tri`nh o+? ca'c
ho^.i nghi. ky~ thua^.t  khoa?ng 50 ba`i ve^` ca'c mo^n nhu+ xu+? ly'
ti'n hie^.u so^' (digital signal processing), ta.o hi`nh ba(`ng ma'y
ddie^.n toa'n (computer graphics), va` tim ho.c (cardiology). To^i
cu~ng dda~ ddu+o+.c thu+o+?ng 11 ba(`ng sa'n che^' o+? Hoa Ky`
va` cu~ng co' ddu+o+.c mo^.t so^' ba(`ng sa'n che^' o+? A^u Cha^u.

7. Ho.c va^'n / Education:

Cu+? nha^n ky~ thua^.t ddie^.n u+u (BSEE with distinction)
Illinois Institute of Technology.
Tie^'n si~ (PhD) ky~ thua^.t ddie^.n Princeton University. Lua^.n a'n
tie^'n si~ ve^` xu+? ly' ti'n hie^.u so^' (digital signal processing).

8.  Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n /

9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS / Position statement
about VACETS:

Khi to^i ro+`i ban Gia'm DDo^'c VACETS ca'ch dda^y hai na(m to^i
kho^ng bao gio+` nghi? se~ co' nga`y ddu+'ng ra u+'ng cu+? dde^? tro+?
la.i ban Gia'm DDo^'c. Tuy nhie^n ky` na^`y, sau mo^.t na(m vo+'i
mu+'c ddo^. hoa.t ddo^.ng suy gi?am qua' tra^`m trong
ho^.i, to^i tha^'y ca^`n pha?i co' ngu+o+`i ddu+'ng ra le`o la'i
la.i thuye^`n VACETS dde^? tro+? tha`nh la.i mo^.t ho^.i ddoa`n so^i
no^?i ma` ca'c anh chi. co' the^? ha?nh die^.n ddu+o+.c.
To^i tin la` ca'ch la~nh dda.o hu+~u hie^.u nhu+'t la` mi`nh pha?i la`m
gu+o+ng cho ca'c ba.n ddo^`ng ha`nh.

Cu~ng nhu+ na(m 1994 khi ba('t dda^`u ca'c mu.c ha`ng tua^`n, vo+'i
ddi.a vi. la~nh dda.o, to^i dda~ ba('t tay phu. tra'ch mu.c Market
Thyself. To^i hy ky` na^`y se~ khuye^'n khi'ch la.i
ddu+o+.c tinh tha^`n phu.c vu. ho^.i dde^~  chu'ng ta cu`ng nhau ho.c
ho?i va` cu`ng nhau tie^'n le^n tre^n con ddu+o+`ng ddo+`i va`
ddu+o+`ng nghe^` nghie^.p.  To^i tin tu+o+?ng la` khi ca'c anh chi.
giu'p ho^.i, ca'c anh chi. se~ ho.c ho?i the^m. DDie^`u na^`y co' lo+.i
cho kie^'n thu+'c cu?a mi`nh va` cho co^ng vie^.c ha`ng nga`y cu?a

Thi' du. nhu+ tru+o+`ng ho+.p ba?n tha^n to^i\. Khi to^i gia nha^.p
ho^.i VACETS, to^i kho^ng hie^?u gi` ve^` ca'c chu+o+ng tri`nh go+?i
tho+ ddie^.n tu+? cho dda'm ddo^ng (mailing list). Nho+` phu. tra'ch
ca'c die^~n dda`n ddie^.n tu+? to^i cu~ng ho.c ho?i ddu+o+.c the^m.
Thi' du. kha'c, la` sau mo^.t na(m trao ddo^?i vo+'i anh Anson Bi`nh
ve^` vai tro` cu?a tie^'ng Vie^.t ddo^'i vo+'i ngu+o+`i ky~ thua^.t gia
VN o+? ha?i ngoa.i, to^i ddi dde^'n quye^'t ddi.nh la` tu+` nay se~
vie^'t ca'c ba`i cho ta.p chi' VACETS va` cho ca'c ho^.i nghi. VTIC
ba(`ng tie^'ng Vie^.t. Ma(.c da^`u ddie^`u na^`y kho' kha(n ho+n la`
vie^'t ba`i tie^'ng Anh,  dda^y cu~ng la` mo^.t ddie^`u ha~nh die^.n cho
to^i khi co' the^? vie^'t ddu+o+.c ca'c ba`i nhu+ va^.y va` co' the^?
dda(ng luo^n trong ca'c ta.p chi' ky~ thua^.t o+? VN.

Ne^'u ca'c anh chi. muo^'n ho^.i VACETS tro+? ne^n mo^.t ho^.i
ca'c anh chi. co' the^? ha?nh die^.n, thi` ha~y bo? phie^'u cho
to^i va` cho nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i cu`ng mo^.t y' chi' phu.c vu.
co^.ng ddo^`ng nhu+ to^i\.

To^i ra^'t mo^ng ta^'t ca? ca'c anh chi. ha~y tham gia cuo^.c bo?
phie^'u ky` na^`y va` trong na(m nay ha~y tham gia to^'i dda
ca'c hoa.t ddo^.ng cu?a ho^.i ve^`phu+o+ng die^.n ky~ thua^.t,
ba(`ng ca'ch vie^'t va` dda(ng ca'c ba`i trong ca'c die^~n dda`n
ddie^.n tu+? va` ca'c ho^.i nghi. VTIC, va` ve^` phu+o+ng die^.n
co^.ng ddo^`ng qua nhu+~ng ba`i dda(ng tre^n ca'c die^~n dda`n ddie^.n
tu+? cu?a VACETS vo+'i nhu+~ng chu? dde^` xa~ ho^.i hay thi va(n, cu`ng
vo+'i ca'c hoa.t ddo^.ng o+? ca'c chi nha'nh ho^.i  va` ca'c ba'o Xua^n.
To^i cu~ng se~ tie^'p tu.c giu'p VACETS trong ca'c la?nh vu+.c ddo'.

For those of you who have difficulty following my Vietnamese platform,
let me summarize in saying that I believe that membership in VACETS
should be a journey together. On such a journey, we have to learn to
give. And we should expect that in the giving, we will also receive. I
would like to urge all of you to first participate in this upcoming
crucial annual election. Then, please try to participate in VACETS
activities. You should all be able to contribute by writing small
technical articles in our forums, and social or literary articles also.
I believe that in VACETS you have a friendly audience to practice skills
that will be helpful to you in your professional life.

I am aware that my activities in VN may make some of you uneasy. Let me
assure you that I am well capable of keeping my VACETS activities
separate from my other activities. My activities in VN falls into 2
categories. Those which are related to my company's business, and those
of a more charitable nature. In the first part, I believe that any
Vietnamese, if given the opportunity, should take an active part in
their company's business in VN. You can provide a perspective that will
be lost on your colleagues who do not have the right cultural and
linguistic background. The second set of my activities in VN are aimed
at improving the lives of poor students and poor cardiac patients. For
the students, the scholarship money that we give to any individual
student in a year is probably the pocket change that you give to your
kids in a couple of week. For the cardiac patients, these are poor
people who would otherwise go home and die. So, if you do not believe
that I should belong in VACETS because I am helping these poor people,
then I guess I really do not belong in VACETS!

As far as VACETS is concerned, you can be assured that I will not make
any commitment that is not consistent with the will of the majority of
the members. I believe in transparency in the administration of a non-
profit organization. I believe that my tenure at the helm of VACETS in
1994-95 is proof of this. My detractors may have put forward a number of
accusations, including vote fraud, but none of them have ever been able
to come forward with proofs, that they claimed they had ... because they
could not possibly prove something that did not happen!
So, please take part in the election and please help elect a slate of
people who are willing to serve VACETS and its members.

Thanks for reading this long introduction and platform!

+++++ Candidate #2:  JAMES LA^.P

1. Te^n Ho. / Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical

    James La^.p

2. Pha'i / Gender: Male

3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+? / e-mail address:  [email protected]

4. Nghe^` nghie^.p / Professional position:

   Director of Computer Applications

5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS / year joined VACETS: 1994

6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS / short
biography and summary of activities in VACETS:

James T. Lap received his B.A. in Computer Science from New York
University, and M.S. in computer software engineering from Columbia
University, New York, NY.

Currently, he is a  Director of Computer Applications at New York
City Technical College/The City University of New York.  Prior to that
he was a Director of Computer Center at NY City Tech for 5 years.
>From 1984 to 1986, he held the position of Vice President MIS at B
& P Blando Co., New York, NY.  He also worked at Chemical Bank for 4
years. He has been faculty in Information Systems department at New York
City Tech since 1986.  He also taught Computer languages both on
mainframe and PC's at Pace University from 1982 to 1986.

He also serves as faculty advisor for Vietnamese students at
New York City Tech and Executive Officer of Asian American Higher
Education Council, NY City.  He is chairman of Board of directors of
Asian American Consulting Services and Chinatown Manpower Project
Private Sector Advisory Committee.  He is also a member of the Library
of Computer and Information Sciences, New York SAS Group, and
International Congress of Mathematicians.
Joining VACETS in 1994, I first started contributing in column Market
Thyself, a biweekly column run by Dr. Tran Thong, to help VACETS
members prepare for job search and interviews. I ran for board member
position and served two consecutive terms 1994-1995 and 1995-1996.
In Summer 1995, we (Dr. Hoang-Viet Dung, anh Thao and I) came up
with idea to have VTIC for members to meet face-to-face and have
chance to share technical ideas, discoveries, researches and inventions
with other members and engineers inside as well as outside VACETS. With
encouragement from the board members, I accepted to be the Editor-in-
Chief for the first issue of VACETS Technical Magazine published in
Spring 1996. In 1997, Dr. Tien Manh Nguyen took over this
Editor-in-Chief job (thank him for that) and I became Managing Editor.
We renamed it VACETS Technical Journal since then. Currently I continue
to work with Dr. Charles C. Nguyen for the Journal. I was also chair of
the publication committee for the VTIC 1996 proceedings.

7. Ho.c va^'n / Education:

M.S. degree in Computer Software Engineering from Columbia University
and B.A. degree in Computer Science from New York University, New York

8.  Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n /
Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse
the candidate:


9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS / Position statement
about VACETS:

My goal is to be a regular board member to help and serve VACETS within
my capacities. I do not promise much but I can assure you that I will
serve VACETS as much as I can. At least, I do want to keep many good things
in VACETS such as: friendship, activities, helping each others, etc.
I will continue working on publishing VACETS Technical Journal.
I will again promote local chapters which are the core of VACETS life.
Tre`s chers Soeurs et Fre`res (qui parlent fran,cais):

Ma voice de nouveau. Pourquois de'sirais-je a` devenir un membre des
directeurs? J'ai un goal tre`s simple: e^tre e'lu come un membre
ordinaire pour servir vous tous, VACETS membres. Oui, c'est tout. J'ai
besoin de votre vote. Je suis tre`s occupe' come tout le monde. Mais
je promis d'accomplir mon devoir envers VACETS et vous tous.
Donc, soeurs et fre`res, veuillez me croire encore une fois.

Merci de tout mon coeur (et pardon mon pauvre franc,ais)

+++++ Candidate #3: TRA^`N NGO.C BO^.I

1.  Name              : Boi N. Tran, Ph.D.
2.  Gender            : Male
3.  E-mail Address    : [email protected]
4.  Prof. Position    : Senior Engineer-Scientist
5.  Year in VACETS    : 2+ years
6.  Short Bio         : Works for Phantom-Works/Adv. Sys. and Technology

                        division of The Boeing Company for 9+ years.

7.  Education         : Graduated at Univeristy of California, Irvine
with Ph.D. in E.E. specializing in Signal processing, control,
communication, computer, and networks.
8.  Name (endorsee)   : Dr. Tien M. Nguyen (aerospace corp.)
9.  Position Statement:

If elected into EXCOM, I will try to reshape VACETS's overall
Vision and Values in such a way to promote harmony for people
working together as one world organization for technical leadership.
This vision will help us becoming a focal point for U.S. and
international partnerships in folster next generation Vietnamese Youth Oversea.

+++++ Candidate #4:  TRA^`N MAI-HU+O+NG

1. Te^n Ho. / Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical

Tran Mai-Huong

2. Pha'i / Gender:   Female

3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+? / e-mail address: [email protected]

4. Nghe^` nghie^.p / Professional position:

Sr. Systems Engineer/Electrical Engineer

5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS / year joined VACETS:  8/97

6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS / short
biography and summary of activities in VACETS:

Have over eleven years of work experience pertaining to the analysis,
integration, and software testing of telecommunication.  Highly
proficient in performing modeling, simulation, analysis, system
integration and testing of satellite communication and network
management systems. Held various technical positions at Hughes, CSC,
and Loral Aerosys,  and others.

7. Ho.c va^'n / Education:

M.S.E.E., The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
B.S.E.E., George Washington University, Washington, D.C

8.  Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n /
Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse the
candidate:  Thao Mong Le


9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS / Position statement
about VACETS:

As a member of VACETS  I  enjoy visiting our Web page, which is a
beautiful and helpful resource for our VACETS members. Through various
VACETS forums, I enjoyed reading many interesting articles as well as
general literature and technical news.

However, I  think that VACETS should be reaching out further to our
members, especially female members by providing projects and activities
that everybody can participate and make a contribution.

As a board member, I will do my best to:

a) encourge our members, especially female members, to participate in
various VACETS actvities and projects;

b) invite new and experienced professionals to join AdCom to run
VACETS efficiently;

c) contribute to VACETS success in support of Vietnamese professionals

d) create and support activities that keep VACETS growing.

Candidate #5:  NGUYE^~N MA.NH TIE^'N

1. Te^n Ho. / Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical

Nguye^~n Ma.nh Tie^'n

2. Pha'i / Gender: Male

3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+? / e-mail address:
[email protected]

4. Nghe^` nghie^.p / Professional position:
Section Manager/Communications Analysis Section

5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS / year joined VACETS: 1996

6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS / short
biography and summary of activities in VACETS:

Tien M. Nguyen  received  B.S.E. and M.S.E. (CSU Fullerton), M.S.E.E.
(UC San Diego), Ph.D.E.E (Columbia Pacific University),  M.A. and Ph.D.
(Claremont Graduate School). He has been a Certified Manufacturing
Technologist and Certified EMC Engineer since 1984 and 1990,
Currently, he  serves as the section head of the Communications Analysis
Section at the Aerospace Corporation. Previously, he was with the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, and ITT Educational Services where he served as NASA/JPL
delegate to the  Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)
and the chief of the Automated Manufacturing Technology department,
respectively. Presently, he also teaches short courses in wireless
digital communications and digital signal processing.

Dr. Nguyen has published more than 65 conference and journal papers and
served as the editor for the CCSDS proceedings (89-93). He also served
as the Editor-in-Chief for the Vietnamese Association for Computing-
Engineering-Technology and Science (VACETS) Technical Journal.
Moreover, he serves as a reviewer for IEEE transactions on
Communications, EMC, Wiley Encyclopedia of EEE (to be published),
GLOBCOM, ICC and IEE Proceedings (England).

He was the vice-chairman of IEEE/EMC/TC6; was session chairman and
session organizer for the 1986 IEEE/EMC, 1995 IEEE/ITC and ICC, 1997
conferences. He was the Co-organizer of the VITIC '96.

He received numerous NASA and IEEE awards and hold one patent. He is an
elected member of Phi Kapa Phi, Sigma Xi, New York Academy of Sciences,
and a senior member of IEEE and AIAA.  His Biography appears in the
Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering and Who's Who in the World.

7. Ho.c va^'n / Education:
Ph.D. (Claremont Graduate School), M.S.E.E. (University of California at
San Diego, B.S.E. (California State University at Fullerton)

8.  Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n /
Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse
the candidate:


9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS / Position statement
about VACETS:

To work with other VACETS members as a team to provide a TRULLY
professional and social platform for engineers and scientists worldwide
to exchange their expertise and their aspiration for the betterment of
the Vietnamese communities.  This shared vision can be achieved with the
proposed future strategic planning:

-Continue to support current projects such as VITIC, VACETS technical
journal,  VACETS Magazine and VACETS DICT;

-Form a consensus seeking group to brainstorm about projects that
align with our shared vision. Build a trully professional team to carry
out these projects. Promote team work on all these projects.

-Establish a flexible professional organization structure, e.g., under
certain circumstances, ADCOMERs have power to vote as EXCOMERs.

+++++ Candidate 6:  NGUYE^~N HU+NG

1. Te^n Ho. / Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical

Nguye^~n Hu+ng

2. Pha'i / Gender: Nam

3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+? / e-mail address: [email protected]

4. Nghe^` nghie^.p / Professional position:

Co^' Va^'n Ky Thua^.t (Technical Consultant)

5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS / year joined VACETS: 1995

6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS / short
biography and summary of activities in VACETS:

Sau khoa?ng 18 na(m la`m vie^.c cho ca'c ha~ng tu+ o+? su+' My~ na`y,
to^i hie^.n tho+`i  ddang la`m co^' va^'n cho ha~ng MedAcoustics  Inc.
o+? Raleigh, North Carolina. Ha~ng na`y ddang la`m ve^` ca'c ma'y dde^?
kha'm pha' ra be^.nh ma'u cu?a tim (coronary artery disease).
Trong nhie^.m vu. na`y, to^i phu. tra'ch la`m ve^` pha^`n nghie^n cu+'u
ve^` bie^'n che^' ti'n hie^.u a^m thanh (acoustics signal processing).
To^i cu~ng ddang la`m gia'm ddo^'c cho ha~ng rie^ng te^n la` Mountain
Technology Inc. Ha~ng na`y chuye^n mo^n la`m co^' va^'n va` vu.
ky~ thua^.t ve^` telecommunications va` system integration. Tru+o+'c
ddo' thi` to^i la`m cho nhie^`u ha~ng tu+ nhu+ la` Booz-Allen-Hamilton,
Orincon, E-Systems, Combustion Engineering, Northeast Utilities va`
ENSCO. To^i cu`ng co' di.p la`m cho tu+o+`ng George Mason University
vo+'i tu+ ca'ch la` Visiting Research Scientist trong tho+`i gian
1996-1997. Co`n ve^` nhu+~ng hoa.t ddo^.ng ve^` ba`i vo+? ky~ thua^.t
thi` to^i co' tham du+ va` tri`nh ba^`y o+?  mo^.t va`i ho^.i nghi.
ddu+o+.c to^? chu+'c bo+?i ho^.i IEEE ve^` Signal Processing lu'c mo+'i
la`m xong lua^.n a'n.

Gia ddi`nh chu'ng to^i co' ca'i home page o+? ddi.a chi? ne^'u ca'c ba.n ra?nh thi` xin mo+`i
tha(m vie^'ng o+? ddo'.

Co`n ve^` hoa.t ddo^.ng cu?a VACETS thi` to^i ddang o+? trong ban qua?n
tri. (ExecCom) cho nhie^.m ky` 1997-1998 va` tham gia ti'ch cu+.c
nhu+~ng quye^'t ddi.nh va` nhu+~ng cuo^.c ba`n lua^.n so^i no^?i ve^`
ddu+o+`ng lo^'i hoa.t ddo^.ng hie^.n tho+`i va` trong tu+o+ng lai cu?a
VACETS no'i chung. La`m vie^.c chung vo+'i ca'c ho^.i vie^n ExecCom
1997-1998 la` mo^.t kinh nghie^.m kha'c thu+o+`ng ma` co' le~ to^i se~
kho^ng que^n ddu+o+.c. Trong nhie^.m ky` 1996-1997, to^i co' di.p
ddu+o+.c hoa.t ddo^.ng trong ban AdCom vo+'i tu+ ca'ch la` tru+o+?ng ban

Promotion & Public Relations va` la`m vie^.c chung vo+'i mo^.t so^'
ddoa`n vie^n VACETS tha^.t xua^'t sa('c.

Ve^` hoa.t ddo^.ng ky~ thua^.t cho VACETS, to^i dda~ co' ba`i dda(ng
trong ba'o VACETS Technical Magazine and dda~ tham du+. Dda.i ho^.i VTIC
trong na(m 1996 va` 1997 vo+'i tu+ ca'ch thuye^'t tri`nh vie^n nhu+~ng
ba`i ve^` truye^`n tin va` bie^'n che^' ti'n hie^.u (communications &
signal processing).

7. Ho.c va^'n / Education:

Tie^'n Si~ Ve^` Ky~ Su+ Ddie^.n tu+` George Mason University.
Lua^.n a'n la`m ve^` bie^'n che^' cho he^. tho^'ng antenna (array
signal processing). Cao Ho.c ve^` Ddie^.n Toa'n tu+` Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute va` Cu+? Nha^n Ky~ Su+ Ddie^.n tu+`
University of Maryland, College Park.

8.  Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n /
Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse the

9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS / Position statement
about VACETS:

Sau khi hoa.t vo+'i VACETS trong 2 na(m vu+`a ro^`i, to^i ca?m tha^'y
VACETS dda~ tra?i qua nhu+~ng bie^'n ddo^?i ma` co' the^? no'i la` kha'
tra^`m cho tu+o+ng lai cu?a ho^.i chu'ng mi`nh. Theo to^i nghi~
thi` co' nhu+~ng thie^'u so't ma` to^i xin tri`nh ba^`y theo thu+' tu+.
tra^`m nhu+ sau:
1. La~nh dda.o kho^ng ddoa`n ke^'t.
2. Su+. tham du+. cu?a ho^.i vie^n.
3. Trao ddo^?i y' kie^'n trong ho^.i
4. Ddu+o+`ng lo^'i pha't trie^?n.

After two years of working with VACETS, I have come to realize that as
VACETS as it stands is going through some changes that could severely
affect the future of our organization. This in my opinion is due to
certain deficiencies that I think can be stated in the order of severity
as follows:

1. unity in its leadership
2. member participation
3. membership wide communication
4. A direction of growth

Chu? tru+o+ng cu?a to^i la` ne^'u muo^'n cho VACETS la` mo^.t to^?
chu+'c ddu+o+.c hu`ng ma.nh  va` ddu+o+.c coi thi` pha?i gia?i
quye^'t nhu+~ng va^'n dde^` nhu+ tre^n va` theo nhu+~ng u+u tie^n thu+'
tu+. nhu+ the^'. Ne^'u muo^'n gia?i quye^'t nhu+~ng chuye^.n nhu+ tre^n
thi` to^i co' nhu+~ng ddu+o+`ng lo^'i nhu+ sau:

1. Ta.o mo^.t ba^`u kho^ng khi' la`m vie^.c dda^`y thie^.n chi' va`
ddoa`n ke^'t trong ban qua?n tri. To^i nghi~ ra(`ng ngoa.i tru+` nhu+~ng
kha? na(ng la`m vie^.c to^'t co`n nhu+~ng dda(.c ddie^?m cu?a nhu~ng
ngu+o+`i trong ban qua?n tri. ve^` va^n dde^` dda.o ddu+'c ma` ra^'t
ca^`n thie^'t cho ddu+o+`ng hu+o+'ng cu?a mo^.t ho^.i nhu+ VACETS.

2. Ta'i thie^'t la.i  su+. tham gia ti'ch cu+.c cu?a ho^.i vie^n VACETS.
Theo to^i nghi~ thi` mo^.t trong nhu+~ng ly' do ma` ho^.i VACETS kho^ng
co' nhie^`u tham du+. cu?a ho^.i vie^n la` vi` ho. kho^ng co`n ca?m
tha^'y hoa.t ddo^.ng cu?a VACETS mang la.i su+. hu+'ng thu' va` hu+~u
i'ch cho chi'nh ho. Ne^'u ba?n cha^'t cu?a ho^.i VACETS chi? chuye^n
ve^` khoa ho.c ky~ thua^.t thi` nhie^`u lu'c qua' kho^ khan va` ca^`n
pha?i co' nhu+~ng phu+o+ng die^.n di'nh li'u ve^` xa~ ho^.i thi` mo+'i
ta.o ddu+o+.c su+ qua^n ba(`ng cho VACETS.

3. Co`n ve^` va^'n dde^` lie^n la.c giu+~a ca'c ho^.i vie^n thi` ca^`n
pha?i to^? chu+'c lai nhu+~ng ca'c forum cho ddu+o+.c da`ng hoa`ng va`
chi?nh cha('n. Trong qua' khu+', co' qua' nhie^`u ho^.i vie^n dda~ ro+`i
VACETS vi` co' nhie^`u tru.c tra(.c trong va^'n dde^` ky~ thua^.t. Ca'c
forum ca^`n co' mo^.t dda.i die^.n dde^? die^`u ha`nh cho mo^.i su+.
ddu+o+.c xuo^i cha?y.

4. Mu.c ddi'ch chi'nh cua?a VACETS la` ta.o ddie^`u kie^.n dde^? mo'c
no^'i va` lie^n la.c cho ca'c ky~ thua^.t gia VN. Ne^'u chu'ng ta chi?
gio+'i ha.n ta^`m mu+'c trong ho^.i VACETS thi` qua' gio+'i ha.n. Tha`nh
ra to^i nghi~ VACETS ca^`n pha?i ba('t tay vo+'i nhu+~ng ho^.i chuye^n
gia kha'c cu`ng chi' hu+o+'ng ne^'u muo^'n co' su+. tho^'ng nha^'t cu?a
ca? co^.ng ddo^`ng VN o+? ha?i ngoa.i.

My position is that if VACETS is to be considered a strong and respected
organization then the above issues have to be resolved  in the presented
priority. In order to solve these issues, I would like to offer the
following directions:

1. Create a friendly working environment among mutually respected Adcom
members. I do think that besides the qualifications possessed by each
Adcom member, the ethical aspect of each core member is a very important
for the development of VACETS.

2.  Revive the active participation of VACETS members. I think one of
the reasons for the lack of participation is that the membership feels
there is less motivation for the members to be with VACETS and there is
little that VACETS can offer them. Furthermore, if there is only
technical contents in VACETS forum then it is too dry of a subject. We
thus need the human side of the equation, or a balance with social
issues would do wonder to the causes of VACETS.

3. As for the communication problem among the VACETS membership,
we need to re-organize our forum so that they are more efficient
and on track. In the past, there has been a loss of membership due to
technical problem causing message bounces and irritation from the
membership. This has to be fixed if there is to be efficient
communication VACETS membership. In addition, each forum should
have a moderator to ensure that the traffic and contents in each forum
are adequate.

4. In terms of growth direction, one of the principal idea behind VACETS
is to promote networking and friendship among Vietnamese technical
people. If we limit ourselves to just within the VACETS circle then we
are not fulfilling the basic philosophy that we set out to do. Thus we
need to reach out to other Vietnamese professional organizations sharing
the same goals with the hope that a united front can be reached within
the overseas Vietnamese.

Chu? tru+o+ng cu?a to^i co' the^? no'i va('n ta('t trong mo^.t ca^u
gia?n di. la` "Bi`nh Gia, Tri. Quo^'c", va` ne^'u ca'c anh chi. tin
tu+o+?ng o+? to^i cho nhu+~ng tra'ch nhie^.m va` ddu+o+`ng hu+o+'ng
nhu+ tre^n thi` xin ba^`u cho to^i la` Nguye^~n Hu+ng. Xin ca'm o+n
ca'c anh chi., va` to^i se~ co^' ga('ng tra? lo+`i ca'c ca^u ho?i
ddu+o+.c ne^u le^n trong cuo^.c ba^`u cu? na`y.

+++++ Candidate #7:  TRA^`N ALAN

1. Te^n Ho. / Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical


2. Pha'i / Gender: Male

3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+? / e-mail address:
[email protected]  (w) or  [email protected] (h)

4. Nghe^` nghie^.p / Professional position:

Software Engineer

5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS / year joined VACETS: 1996

6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS / short
biography and summary of activities in VACETS:

I have many years of work experience in software development related to
various Relational as well as Object-Oriented Database environments.
Served as a programmer, software engineer, and consultant for many
companies located in the Washington DC metropolitan area.

Since joining VACETS in1996, I have the opportunity to make friends
with many members.  I also read many interesting articles from VACETS
forums, the Webpage, and VACETS technical magazines/journals.  I think
it is the right time for me to contribute to VACETS and to help to make
VACETS a success.

7. Ho.c va^'n / Education:
       M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Virginia Tech, VA.
       B.S. in Electronic & Computer Engineering, George Mason

8.  Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n /
Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse the


9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS / Position statement
about VACETS:

.  Rendering help to other members in technical and educational fields.
.  Supporting programs promoting intellectual welfare for the Vitenamese
.  Promoting communication among members and between AdCom
and members.
.  Working with other Board member to make VACETS a stronger

+++++ Candidate #8: VU~ TRU+O+NG  THO.

1. Te^n Ho. / Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical

Vu~ Tru'`o'ng Tho. (Vu, Tho, T.)

2. Pha'i / Gender:  Male

3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+? / e-mail address:  [email protected]

4. Nghe^` nghie^.p / Professional position:

Electrical Engineer, President of Top-Vu Technology, Inc.

 5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS / year joined VACETS: 1997

6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS / short
biography and summary of activities in VACETS:


* Top-Vu Technology Inc., Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1989-Present, President
and Chief Engineer
. Founded the company that specializes in Chip Design and MicroSystems
· Develops GaAs based Microsystems including Microsensors,
Micromachines, Readout Electronics, Analog to Digital Converters, and
Digital Signal Processors
. Responsible for formulating the business and research direction for
the company, and for its development
. Obtained and has been successfully performing on several contracts,
grants, and IR&D projects. The largest contracts to date are $830K
from DoD and $550K from NASA, and the largest grant is $310K from
. Coordinates on an average of 12 professionals that include

* Honeywell Inc., System & Research Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1980-1989, Principal Research Scientist

.  In the Microelectronics and Microsystems Science area
.  IC design and device modeling of Si bipolar VLSI/VHSIC digital chips
in ISL and CML, unipolar analog chips in CCD, MOS, and CMOS mux/
readout/signal processing for IR-FPA sensors
. Developed silicon IC's including a VLSI/VHSIC electro-optical signal
processor and controller chip set, 4 bipolar gate arrays, 2 ROMs, 1
static RAM and analog MOS/CMOS chips
. Designed and modeled GaAs analog and digital devices using depletion-
and enhancement-mode MESFETs and heterojunctions. Developed GaAs IC's
including 5 gate arrays, 2 static RAM's, 3 A/D and 4 D/A converters,
analog IC's, and MMIC's
.  Worked on signal processing of electro-optical systems, electronic
warfares, and computer architectures for chip integration and insertion
. Was principal investigator and/or program manager on several projects
. Lectured at the microelectronic workshops on various semiconductor
technologies and microsystems organized by the Honeywell Solid State
Electronics Center, since 1985

* Sperry Univac (now Unisys), Roseville, Minnesota, 1977-1980, Associate

Design Engineer
. Logic design and test of computer memory modules
. Integrated circuit design and test of silicon bipolar LSI gate arrays
for high performance CPU's

* University of Minnesota, Biology Science Center, St. Paul,  Minnesota
1976-1977, Research Assistant

. Assisted a professor and graduate students in performing research
experiments in biology and biochemistry.
. Maintained a biochemistry laboratory, and used various machines and
equipment in the Biology Science Center

. Author or co-author of more than 60 research and review papers and
holds 11 patents
. Served two consecutive terms as an Associate Editor for the IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems from 1988-91
. Author of a IEEE short course on System Insertion of GaAs Technology
. Senior Member of IEEE
. Excellence awards from Honeywell, State of Minnesota and national
. Was a Lecturer for University of Minnesota Electrical Engineering
Department on microelectronics at the undergraduate and graduate levels
. Consultant for University of Minnesota Electrical Engineering Dept.,
. Technical Staff Expert for Teltech Resource Network Corporation,
since 1993

Summary of activities in VACETS:

*  Participated and published a paper at VTIC'97.
T.T. Vu, P.C. Nguyen, L.T. Vu, C.H. Nguyen, M.D. Bui, A.C.
Nguyen, and J.C. Vu, "Complementary Heterostructure FET Technology,"
Invited, VTIC-97, Microelectronics, 17-18 July 1997, San Jose CA.

7. Ho.c va^'n / Education:

*  Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (BEE Degree), University of
Minnesota, Institute of Technology, 1976-77, Major: Electronics,
Minor: Computer Design.

*  Master of Electrical Engineering (MEE Degree), University of
Minnesota, Graduate School, 1979-80, Major: Microelectronics, Minor:
Engineering Administration. The Master's thesis was on
microelectronics silicon bipolar DCTTL and FECL.

*  Professional Development Recognition Program (PDRP Certificate),
University of Minnesota, Graduate School, 1980-82, 2 years program,
Major: Microelectronics. His post graduate study was in
microelectronics III-V compound semiconductors with the emphasis on
gallium arsenide (GaAs) integrated circuits.

*  Professional Training, Completed and attended several short
courses and conferences on advanced microelectronics, microsensors,
microsystems, and business administration. He completed the Fast Trac
and Business Executive Programs at the University of St. Thomas, and
at the Amos Tuck School Dartmouth College in 1989, 1996 and 1997.

8.  Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n /
Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse
the candidate:

Thao M.  Le, Chair, 1998 VACETS Board Election, [email protected]

Tho Vu was the President of Minnesota Vietnamese Student Association,
University of Minnesota (1978-79).

His biography was published in the book by Trong Minh "The Pride of
the Vietnamese,"  MeKong Printing in Santa Ana CA, pages 186-190, and
197-200, 1996.

Some of his contributions in Minnesota were published in the book "20
Years after the Resettlement of the Vietnamese Refugees in
Minnesota," by The Vietnamese Community of Minnesota, pages 96-97,
124-125, 270, 289, 321, 26 April 1997.

9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS / Position statement
about VACETS:

Plan to vote for projects on a Business Forum and VTIC'99.:

If you have comments or suggestions, email to [email protected]