Dear VACETS members,
The following candidates were officially running for the election of the Executive Committee for the term of 1996-1997and the election results are as follows:
Anson Binh - 117
Doan Jeffrey - 89
Nguyen Diem - 74
Le Tin - 74
Lap James - 70
Cao Tri - 67
Bui Tung - 53
Nguyen Tinh - 46
Vu Hung - 31
Nguyen Han - 23
1. Te^n Ho./Full name (Family, Given, Middle): Nguyen Van Diem
2. Pha'i/Gender: Nam
3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+?/e-mail address: [email protected]
4. Nghe^` nghie^.p/ Professional position: Senior Systems Engineering Specialist
5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS/ year joined VACETS: 1994
6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS \short biography and summary of activities in VACETS: Chairman of International Affairs (1995-1996)
7. Ho.c va^'n/Education: Master of Science in Computer Applications
8. Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n/Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse your candidature: *** KHO^NG CA^`N THIE^'T - OPTIONAL ***
9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS/ Position statement about VACETS:
Like to foster the friendship among members. Help to create an environment where VACETS members can grow and proud to be associated with. Improved By-Laws and Guidelines to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings
1. Te^n Ho./Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical accents): Le^, Ti'n, Va(n Trung
2. Pha'i/Gender: Male
3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+?/e-mail address: [email protected]
4. Nghe^` nghie^.p/ Professional position: Computer consultant
5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS/ year joined VACETS: 1994 (? not sure)
6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS \short biography and summary of activities in VACETS: Devoted time to help create and manage numerous VACETS mailing lists on, plus VACETS home page (and other projects such as Vacets Dict). Provide technical guidelines in regard to computer networks.
7. Ho.c va^'n/Education: B.S. CompSci/Math
8. Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n/Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse your candidature: *** KHO^NG CA^`N THIE^'T - OPTIONAL ***
9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS/ Position statement about VACETS:
I firmly believe in VACETS as an organization that will help bring together the bright technical talents of Vietnamese everywhere. VACETS will act as a beacon that leads by example, it will show how to constructively work together as a group, to share and nurture current and future Vietnamese minds.
1. Te^n Ho./Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical accents): DDoa`n Ho^`ng DDie^.p (te^n Vie^.t) Doan Diep Jeffrey (te^n My~)
2. Pha'i/Gender: Nam/Male.
3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+?/e-mail address: [email protected]
4. Nghe^` nghie^.p/ Professional position: Sr. Software Engineer, Octel Communications, Milpitas, California. I have been in the Telecommunication-Voicemail industry for over 8 years. Most of my career, I have been working on different aspects of voicemail products made by Speech Plus Inc., Centigram Corp, and Octel Communications Inc., such as Voicemail Applications, Voicemail Networkings, and PBX Integration, as well as Embedded System software for Telephone Interface devices.
Professional and non-professional involvements: Was a member of the Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) organization from 1991-1992. Also was chairman of the Analog-AMIS Protocol Interpretation group in 1992. The resulting AMIS specifications (Analog and Digital) established the voicemail industry's standard networking protocols, and the AMIS organization was funded by all major vendors and customers of the voicemail industry. Vacets is my first involvement with associations organized by Vietnamese. My current other involvement includes being a volunteer for the YES program, organized by Catholics Charities, which teaches Personal Computer Basic to Vietnamese who are new to the US. These involvement have benefitted me in several positive ways, and I am looking for ways to extend my contributions to the Vietnamese community, especially in the US.
5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS/ year joined VACETS: Tha'ng 11, na(m 1994.
6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS \short biography and summary of activities in VACETS:
Hoa.t ddo^.ng chi'nh tre^n Vacets: . Tham gia va`o nhu+~ng hoa.t ddo^.ng tre^n vacets-gen va` vacets- tech.
Hoa.t ddo^.ng phu. tre^n Vacets: . Phu. giu'p trong vie^.c ddie^`u ha`nh local chapter cu?a vu`ng Ba('c California. . Cu`ng vo+'i ca'c ba.n ho^.i vie^n o+? vu`ng Ba('c California, cu~ng nhu+ ca'c ba.n tre^n vacets-gen a^'n ha`nh quye^?n ba'o Xua^n Bi'nh Ty' cu?a Vacets dde^? ghi che'p va` tho^ng ba'o nhu+~ng hoa.t ddo^.ng cu?a Vacets trong na(m qua cu~ng nhu+ na(m nay. DDo^`ng tho+`i cu~ng dde^? ghi che'p la.i nhu+~ng hoa.t ddo^.ng va(n nghe^. tre^n vacets-gen.
7. Ho.c va^'n/Education: B.S. Computer Science, June 1987, UC Santa Barbara, California.
8. Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n/Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse your candidature:
Thanh Trang Nghie^m, [email protected] Khoa Bu`i, [email protected] Ngo.c Nguye^~n, [email protected] Nhu+.t Tra^`n, [email protected] Tuye^'t Phu+o+ng Nguye^~n, [email protected] Hu+o+ng Nguye^~n, [email protected] Tony Tua^'n Nguye^~n, [email protected]
9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS/ Position statement about VACETS:
La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh u+'ng cu+? cu?a to^i la` dde^? ca?i thie^.n va` toa`n ha?o nhu+~ng chu+o+ng tri`nh hoa.t ddo^.ng trong hie^.n ta.i cu?a Vacets. DDo^`ng tho+`i cu~ng dde^? na^ng cao su+. ho+.p ta'c giu+~a nhu+~ng ho^.i vie^n Vacets, cu~ng nhu+ giu+~a Vacets va` ca'c hie^.p ho^.i kha'c.
Nhu+~ng y' nguye^.n cu?a to^i qua vie^.c u+'ng cu+? trong na(m nay xin ddu+o+.c to'm ta('t ba(`ng 7 ddie^?m chi'nh sau dda^y:
1. Muo^'n vacets-tech ddu+o+.c tro+? tha`nh mo^.t die^~n dda`n phong phu' ho+n ve^` ma(.t Khoa ho.c Ky~ thua^.t ba(`ng ca'ch gio+'i thie^.u va` kho+?i xu+o+'ng ca'c cuo^.c tha?o lua^.n ve^` nhu+~ng tie^'n trie^?n mo+'i trong la~nh vu+.c ddie^.n toa'n va` ky~ thua^.t trong na(m nay. To^i tin tu+o+?ng ra(`ng chu'ng ta co' the^? na^ng cao cha^'t Khoa ho.c Ky~ thua^.t cu?a Vacets ho+n hie^.n ta.i, va` qua ddo' se~ khue^'ch tru+o+ng ddu+o+.c so^' ho^.i vie^n cu?a Vacets mo^.t ca'ch hu+~u hie^.u ho+n.
2. Muo^'n vacets tro+? tha`nh (the^m) mo^.t trung ta^m lu+u tru+~ nhu+~ng ta`i lie^.u ve^` DDie^.n toa'n ba(`ng tie^'ng Vie^.t dde^? go'p mo^.t pha^`n nho? va`o vie^.c giu'p i'ch cho co^.ng ddo^`ng ngu+o+`i Vie^.t o+? ha?i ngoa.i. Du+. ddi.nh tha`nh la^.p mo^.t project dde^? su+u ta^`m va` bo^? tu'c cho mo^.t thu+ vie^.n vo+'i su+. giu'p ddo+~ cu?a ca'c ho^.i vie^n, cu?a vacets-adcom, cu~ng nhu+ ca'c ho^.i ddoa`n hua^'n nghe^. (da.y nghe^`) thie^.n nguye^.n dde^? chia xe? ta`i lie^.u du`ng cho vie^.c gia?ng da.y ve^` nga`nh DDie^.n toa'n ba(`ng tie^'ng Vie^.t.
3. Thu he.p la.i pha.m vi hoa.t ddo^.ng cu?a Vacets dde^? chu' ho+n va`o vie^.c phu.c vu. ho^.i vie^n va` co^.ng ddo^`ng VN ve^` phu+o+ng die^.n Khoa ho.c Ky~ thua^.t. Se~ ti`m ca'ch gio+'i ha.n nhu+~ng hoa.t ddo^.ng co' ti'nh ca'ch chi'nh tri. cu?a nhu+~ng tha`nh vie^n trong Execom va` Adcom, cu~ng nhu+ loa.i bo? bo+'t hay ta^'t ca? nhu+~ng hoa.t ddo^.ng co' lie^n la.c tru+.c tie^'p hay gia'n tie^'p vo+'i chi'nh tri. kho^ng co' lo+.i cho tha`nh vie^n va` ho^.i Vacets.
4. DDa^?y ma.nh vie^.c ca?i thie^.n quan nie^.m ve^` Vacets ddo^'i vo+'i nhu+~ng ho^.i ddoa`n kha'c, cu~ng nhu+ ddo^'i vo+'i co^.ng ddo^`ng ngu+o+`i Vie^.t o+? ha?i ngoa.i ba(`ng ca'ch tru+.c tie^'p va` tha(?ng tha('ng su+?a chu+?a nhu+~ng kha'i nie^.m sai la^`m ve^` Vacets, cu~ng nhu+ no+'i ro^.ng vie^.c lie^n la.c va` ti`nh tha^n hu+~u vo+'i ca'c ho^.i ddoa`n kha'c ngoa`i la~nh tho^? nu+o+'c VN.
5. No+'i ro^.ng su+. lie^n la.c giu+~a ca'c pha^n ho^.i ddi.a phu+o+ng (local chapters) cu?a Vacets dde^? de^? da`ng tro+. giu'p nhau. Se~ thu'c giu.c Adcom va` Execom giu'p ddo+~ va` ye^?m tro+. nhu+~ng pha^n ho^.i ddi.a phu+o+ng mo^.t ca'ch ti'ch cu+.c va` dda('c lu+.c ho+n.
6. Tie^'p tu.c thu'c dda^?y dde^? Vacets co' the^? tro+? tha`nh mo^.t ho^.i non-profit dde^? tie^.n vie^.c ga^y quy~ va` tie^'t kie^.m chi phi' cho nhu+~ng hoa.t ddo^.ng cu?a Vacets trong tu+o+ng lai.
7. To^? chu+'c mo^.t buo^?i dda.i ho^.i the^? thao va`o mu`a Xua^n hay He` trong na(m 1997 vo+'i su+. cha^'p thua^.n va` giu'p ddo+~ cu?a ca'c ba.n, cu~ng nhu+ cu?a ca'c pha^n ho^.i ddi.a phu+o+ng. Mu.c ddi'ch la` dde^? go'p pha^`n na^ng cao ti`nh tha^n hu+~u va` su+. ho+.p ta'c giu+~a ca'c ho^.i vie^n Vacets.
1. Te^n Ho./Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical accents): LA^.P, JAMES T.
2. Pha'i/Gender: MALE
3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+?/e-mail address: [email protected]
4. Nghe^` nghie^.p/ Professional position:
1992 - Present Director of Computer Applications New York Tech/CUNY 1986 - Present Faculty, Computer Systems Technology Dept. New York Tech/CUNY 1987 - 1992 Director of Computer Center New York Tech/CUNY 1984 - 1986 Vice President - MIS P & B Blando, New York City 1982 - 1986 Faculty, Information Systems Dept. Pace University, New York City 1982 - 1985 Systems Analyst Chemical Bank of New York
5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS/ year joined VACETS: 1994
6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS \short biography and summary of activities in VACETS:
1995 - Present Member of Executive Committee 1995 Editor-In-Chief of the first issue of VACETS Technical Magazine 1994 Joined VACETS Adcom 1994 Contributed to Market Thyself column started and run by anh Tra^`n Tho^'ng
7. Ho.c va^'n/Education:
Columbia University, New York, USA - MS in Computer Software Engineering New York University, New York, USA - BA in Computer Science
8. Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n/Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse your candidature: *** KHO^NG CA^`N THIE^'T - OPTIONAL ***
9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS/ Position statement about VACETS:
Why do I run for VACETS office again?
First of all, I like to offer my service to VACETS community. I care for VACETS and all the members.
Secondly, I like to contribute to a few more issues of VACETS Technical Magazine.
I like to help VTIC '96 in publishing its proceedings and papers. I want to help make it a successful conference.
Next year, I will encourage more activities at local chapters, more technical projects and more issues of Technical Magazine.
With your help and support, I am confident that VACETS will be a better forum for all members. Please tell your friends to join VACETS and vote to select the right persons to guide VACETS in the future. VACETS has a long journey to go. VACETS has a big mission to accomplish. Together we can make this dream come true. The direction of VACETS depends on us. The future of VACETS depends on our participation.
Mes soeurs et fre`res (qui parlent franc,ais),
Come membre du Commite' Exe'cutif, Je vous ai servis l'anne'e dernie`re. J'espe`re que vous continuez a` croire en moi encore une fois pour finir les travaux qui sont justement commenc,e's: plus d'issues du Magazin Technique, VTIC '96, plus de chapitres locaux.
Cela` de'pend de nous tous, mes soeurs et fre`res. Personne ne peut faire tout par soi-me^me. Jamais. Mais ensemble, j'en suis su^r que nous ache`verons de plus grandes choses.
Je voudrais dire que ce sont vous qui de'terminerez le futur de VACETS. Donc, participez et votez.
Merci de tout mon coeur (et pardon mon pauvre franc,ais),
1. Te^n Ho./Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical accents): Binh ANSON (Bi`nh Anson)
2. Pha'i/Gender: Nam
3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+?/e-mail address: [email protected]
4. Nghe^` nghie^.p/ Professional position: Ky~ Su+ Tru+o+?ng, Qua?n Ly' Ta`i Nguye^n Nu+o+'c, U?y Ban Nguo^`n Nu+o+'c va` So^ng Ngo`i Ta^y U'c
(Senior Engineer, Water Resources Management, Water and Rivers Commission of Western Australia)
5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS/ year joined VACETS: 1994
6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS / short biography and summary of activities in VACETS:
6.1 So+ Lu+o+.c Nghe^` Nghie^.p: --------------------------------
- Qua?n ly', quy co^ng ta'c ba?o ve^., khai tha'c va` su+? ta`i nguye^n nu+o+'c.
- Khai tha'c va` cung ca^'p nu+o+'c cho vu`ng ddo^ thi. va` tho^n que^\.
- Thu?y va(n nu+o+'c ma(.t va` nu+o+'c nga^`m.
- He^. tho^'ng tho^ng tin ba?n ddo^`\.
- La^.p mo^ hi`nh ddie^.n toa'n u+'ng trong nga`nh khai tha'c va` qua?n ly' nguo^`n nu+o+'c.
- Ba?o ve^. mo^i tru+o+`ng va` Dda'nh gia' ta'c ddo^.ng mo^i tru+o+`ng cu?a ca'c du+. a'n pha't trie^?n, dda(.c bie^.t la` mo^i tru+o+`ng mu+o+'c.
- Gia'o su+ thi?nh gia?ng, mo^n Thu?y Va(n Nu+o+'c Ma(.t (Surface Water Hydrology), Dda.i ho.c Murdoch.
- Dda~ ddu+o+.c ca'c dda`i pha't thanh Radio Australia va` BBC pho?ng va^'n ve^` ca'c dde^` ta`i lie^n quan dde^'n nguo^`n nu+o+'c, o^ nhie^~m mo^i tru+o+`ng, ti`nh nu+o+'c nga^`m ta.i VN va` ca'c ddo^ thi. lo+'n trong ca'c quo^'c gia ddang mo+? mang.
- DDa~ vie^'t nhie^`u ba`i tham lua^.n ky~ thua^.t ve^` nguo^`n nu+o+'c, dda(ng trong ca'c ta.p chi' tie^'ng Vie^.t la^~n tie^'ng Anh.
- Ho^.i vie^n, Ho^.i Ky~ Su+ U'c - Ho^.i Vie^n, Hie^.p Ho^.i Ca'c Ky~ Su+ Nha` Nghe^` U'c - Ho^.i Vie^n, Ho^.i Nu+o+'c va` Nu+o+'c Tha?i U'c - Ho^.i Vie^n, Ho^.i Ky~ Su+ Hoa`ng Gia Tha'i Lan
6.2 Hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS: -------------------------------
- Tham gia VACETS ngay trong tho+`i gian mo+'i tha`nh la^.p - Pho' Chu?, Quo^'c Te^': 1994-95 - Tha`nh Vie^n U?y Ban Cha^'p Ha`nh: 1995-96
- Ddie^`u Ho+.p Vie^n du+. a'n va` die^~n dda`n ddo^'i thua^.t ngu+~ Vacets-Dict. Dda~ ddu+o+.c pho?ng va^'n bo+?i chu+o+ng tri`nh Vie^.t Ngu+~ dda`i BBC, dde^? truye^`n thanh ve^` VN va` ca'c vu`ng la^n ca^.n ve^` du+. a'n na^`y.
- Dda~ ddo'ng go'p nhie^`u ba`i vie^'t trong ca'c die^~n dda`n cu?a Vacets, cu~ng nhu+ trong Dda(.c san Xua^n va` Chuye^n san Vacets.
6.3 Hoa.t ddo^.ng xa~ ho^.i: ----------------------------
- Tha`nh vie^n, Phong tra`o Ho.c ddu+o+`ng Phu.c vu. Xa~ ho^.i, Sa`i Go`n (1966-1969) - Tha`nh vie^n, Phong tra`o Du ca, Sa`i Go`n (1968-69) - Pho' Chu? No^.i Vu., Cao DDa(?ng Hoa' Ho.c, Sa`i Go`n (1970) - Dda.i die^.n Kho'a 2 Ky~ Su+ Ho'a Ho.c, Sa`i Go`n (1969-73)
- Dda.i die^.n Sinh vie^n VN, Ho.c Vie^.n Ky~ Thua^.t A' Cha^u, Bangkok (1973-75)
- Sa'ng La^.p Vie^n, Ho^.i Pha^.t Ho.c Ta^y U'c, Perth - Sa'ng La^.p Vie^n, Ho^.i Pha^.t Gia'o VN ta.i Ta^y U'c, Perth
- Co^.ng ta'c vie^n Ba'o Pho^? Tho^ng, Ta^y U'c - Co^.ng ta'c vie^n va` Dda.i die^.n Ta.p Chi' The^' Ky? 21 (California) ta.i U'c cha^u
7. Ho.c va^'n/Education:
- Tie^'n Si~ (Ph.D.), nga`nh Co^ng nghe^. Mo^i tru+o+`ng, Dda.i ho.c Murdoch, Perth.
- Tha.c Si~ Co^ng Nghe^. (M.Eng), nga`nh Co^ng nghe^. Mo^i tru+o+`ng, Vie^.n Ky~ Thua^.t A' Cha^u, Bangkok.
- Ky~ Su+ Quo^'c Gia (B.Eng), nga`nh Co^ng nghe^. Ho'a Ho.c, Ho.c Vie^.n Quo^'c Gia Ky~ Thua^.t, Sa`i Go`n
- Tu' Ta`i Toa`n Pha^`n, ban Khoa ho.c Toa'n, Trung ho.c Petrus Tru+o+ng Vi~nh Ky', Sa`i Go`n.
8. Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n/Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse your candidature: *** KHO^NG CA^`N THIE^'T - OPTIONAL ***
9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS/ Position statement about VACETS:
Ca'c Anh Chi. Em ho^.i vie^n VACETS tha^n me^'n,
To^i tham gia va`o Vacets trong nhu+~ng nga`y dda^`u tie^n. Dda^y la` mo^.t su+. tru`ng ho+.p ti`nh co+`, vi` lu'c ddo' cu~ng la` lu'c to^i ba('t dda^`u va`o lu+o+'i, su+? he^. thu+ ddie^.n tu+? (email) trong Internet.
Qua Vacets, to^i dda~ ho.c ho?i ddu+o+.c ra^'t nhie^`u ddie^`u hay, ca'i la., gia ta(ng ta^`m hie^?u bie^'t va` kie^'n thu+'c cu?a ca' nha^n to^i\. Qua Vacets, to^i dda~ la`m quen va` thie^'t la^.p ddu+o+.c ca'c mo^'i lie^n he^. tu+o+ng tha^n, tu+o+ng a'i, va` xa^y, giu+~a nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i ba.n chuye^n gia go^'c Vie^.t tre^n toa`n the^' gio+'i\.
To^i ddu+'ng ra thie^'t la^.p die^~n dda`n ddo^'i Vacets-Dict, vo+'i su+. u?ng ho^. nhie^.t ti`nh cu?a ca'c ho^.i vie^n ba.n be` trong Vacets. Mu.c ddi'ch la` ta.o mo^.t kho du+~ lie^.u ddie^.n tu+? ve^` thua^.t ngu+~ Anh Vie^.t, hoa`n toa`n mie^~n phi' va` pho^? bie^'n ro^.ng ra~i, vo^ ddie^`u kie^.n, tre^n toa`n ca^`u, dde^? mo.i ngu+o+`i su+? Dda^y la` mo^.t nhu ca^`u cu?a ngu+o+`i Vie^.t, trong va` ngoa`i nu+o+'c, dde^? trao ddo^?i va` chuye^?n giao kie^'n thu+'c cu~ng nhu+ tho^ng tin khoa ho.c ky~ thua^.t. Va` quan nha^'t, dda^y la` mo^.t co+ ho^.i to^'t dde^? chu'ng ta cu`ng nhau trau do^`i kha? na(ng ngo^n ngu+~ Vie^.t cu~ng nhu+ Anh, va` dde^? quen bie^'t, la`m tha^n vo+'i nhau, giu+~a nhu+~ng anh chi. em chuye^n gia go^'c Vie^.t tre^n toa`n the^' gio+'i\.
Hai na(m qua la` giai ddoa.n ta.o mo^.t co+ so+? ne^`n ta?ng cho Vacets, tu+` ba?n no^.i quy, ddie^`u le^., ca'c hoa.t ddo^.ng thu+o+`ng xuye^n cu?a ca'c die^~n dda`n chi'nh, vie^.c tha`nh la^.p ca'c pha^n ho^.i va` chi nha'nh, va` chua^?n bi. mo^.t ho^.i nghi. dda^`u tie^n, dde^? chu'ng ta co' di.p ga(.p nhau, ma(.t ddo^'i ma(.t, ta^m ti`nh, tho^ng ca?m nhau ho+n. Ma(.c du` co`n nhie^`u kho' kha(n va` thie^'u so't, chu'ng ta dda~ ddi ddu+o+.c mo^.t qua?ng ddu+o+`ng da`i, vo^'n la` pha^`n quan then cho^'t cu?a mo^.t to^? chu+'c mo+'i\.
To^i quan nie^.m ra(`ng co' vay thi` pha?i co' tra?, co' mang o+n thi` pha?i ddo'ng go'p. To^i dda~ ho.c ho?i ra^'t nhie^`u tu+` Vacets, dda~ ddu+o+.c nhie^`u thu+o+ng me^'n va` quy' tu+` ca'c anh chi. em cu?a Vacets, thi` to^i pha?i tra? le^~, pha?i ddo'ng go'p ti'ch cu+.c trong hoa`n ca?nh, kha? na(ng va` ta^`m hie^?u bie^'t co' gio+'i ha.n cu?a mi`nh.
Vi` va^.y ma` to^i va^~n co^' ga('ng ddo'ng go'p thu+o+`ng xuye^n qua ca'c ba`i vie^'t, ddo'ng go'p y' kie^'n ve^` phu+o+ng ca'ch ddie^`u ha`nh, ca'c ba`i bi`nh lua^.n, ma^?u chuye^.n vui ... Cu~ng vi` va^.y ma` to^i, qua su+. thu'c giu.c va` khuye^'n khi'ch cu?a ca'c tha`nh vie^n then cho^'t trong Vacets, xin ma.o muo^.i da^'n tha^n mo^.t na(m nu+~a trong Ban Cha^'p Ha`nh VACETS cho nie^n khoa' to+'i, ma(.c du` to^i ra^'t ba^.n ro^.n trong ca'c sinh hoa.t nghe^` nghie^.p, trong gia ddi`nh, trong co^.ng ddo^`ng Vie^.t ta.i Ta^y U'c, va` trong co^ng ta'c qua?n ly' du+. a'n Vacets-Dict.
Nhu+ to^i dda~ tu+`ng tuye^n bo^' trong ky` ba^`u cu? na(m 1995 vu+`a qua, ma(.c du` to^i dda~ dda('c cu+? vo+'i so^' phie^'u cao nha^'t, nhu+ng to^i dda~ tu+` cho^'i chu+'c vu. Chu? trong na(m qua, vi` to^i qua' ba^.n ro^.n, la.i o+? ta^.n phu+o+ng tro+`i xu+' Ta^y U'c, xa xo^i he?o la'nh, kho' lie^n la.c hu+~u hie^.u vo+'i mo.i ngu+o+`i. La^`n na^`y cu~ng the^', to^i chi? xin ra u+'ng cu+? dde^? phu.c vu. Vacets trong cu+o+ng vi. cu?a mo^.t "tha`nh vie^n khie^m" trong U?y Ban Ddie^`u Ha`nh 1996-97 ma` tho^i, chu+' to^i cu~ng kho^ng co' u+o+'c la`m Chu? cho na(m 1996-97 hoa(.c 1997-98.
Ne^'u quy' anh chi. em co' lo`ng to^'t bo? phie^'u ti'n nhie^.m cho to^i the^m mo^.t nhie^.m ky` nu+~a, to^i mong ra(`ng quy' anh chi. em se~ bo? phie^'u u+u tie^n cho ca'c u+'ng cu+? vie^n kha'c, co`n te^n to^i, xin dde^? da`nh la.i no+i pha^`n cho't cu?a su+. lu+.a cho.n ! :-)
Du` co' dda('c cu+? hay kho^ng, to^i se~ tie^'p tu.c co^.ng ta'c vo+'i Vacets, va` gia ddi`nh chu'ng to^i hy se~ co' co+ ho^.i ga(.p quy' anh chi. em trong tha'ng 7 to+'i dda^y, khi chu'ng to^i la`m mo^.t chuye^'n du ha`nh la^`n dda^`u tie^n sang My~\.
Tha^n me^'n va` chu'c la`nh,
Bi`nh Anson Perth, Western Australia
1. Te^n Ho./Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical accents): VU~ QUO^'C HU+NG
2. Pha'i/Gender: MALE
3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+?/e-mail address: [email protected]
4. Nghe^` nghie^.p/ Professional position: Senior Computer Specialist, Treasury Electronic Data Interchange Gateway Program Manager, IRS Procurement Network Manager
5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS/ year joined VACETS: July 1995
6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS \short biography and summary of activities in VACETS:
July 1995 - October 1995 - Chair, VACETS Local-DC Chapter - Organized the 1st Local-DC Chapter picnic - Recruited more members for Adcom & Local November 1995 - Present - US East Coast Coordinator, International Affair Committee (IAC) - Promoting and arranging more local-chapters in the east coast by set up more local-forums for non-existing chapters as well as trying to recruit local-adcom for those areas.
November 1995 - Present - Chair, VTIC '96 Exhibition Committee: arrange/support exhibitors. - Conducted an EC/EDI Seminar for DC's professionals & businesses.
7. Ho.c va^'n/Education: BSCS Computer Science MS Administration Certified Professionals (LAN, WAN & Internetworking)
8. Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n/Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse your candidature: *** KHO^NG CA^`N THIE^'T - OPTIONAL ***
9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS/ Position statement about VACETS:
I hope to be able to help VACETS success in the following areas:
a. Communication between all members that includes effective use of the existing communications dialog/media (e.g., WWW, forum, email) since most of us have full time job(s) and family to take care of, there is not much time for some of us to read/respond to VACETS' emails at work. This problem is already driven some good members away. b. Organizational structure improvement in areas of Adcom and Local-Chapters.
c. Local-Chapters: support existing ones and creating more
d. Public Relations for VACETS
1. Full name: Bui, Xuan Tung ([email protected])
2. Gender: Male
3. Professional Position: Professor of Systems Management
4. Year Joined VACETS: 1996
5. Serve as the Vice-Chairman of VACETS Technical Affairs Subcommittee, and a VTIC '96 committee member.
6. Short Biography and Summary of Activities in VACETS
Prof. Tung currently holds joint appointment at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California and the University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. Before joining NPS and USTHK, Prof. Bui was on the faculty at New York University, held a chair professorship at the University of Fribourg,Switzerland, and visiting chair professorship at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland and the University of Quebec, Montreal.
Prof. Bui has published 9 books and over 70 papers. His current research interests focus on the effective implementation of information technology in large organizations and in collaborative technology to include group decision and negotiation support systems. In 1993, an academic survey paper, based on citation analysis, named Dr. Tung as "one of the most influential researchers in the field of Decision Support Systems for the period of 1970-1993". His paper on scenario management won the 1996 best paper award at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Prof. Tung has chaired four international conferences and is a regular committee member of international conferences. He is the departmental editor of the INFORMS Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation and is on the editorial board of a number of other scientific journals. He currently serves as the director of PRIISM Consortium. PRIISM is an University of Hawaii-based Pacific Rim Institute for Research in Information Systems Management, a consortium of North American and Asia-Pacific Universities interested in conducted research in information technology in the Pacific Rim. A native of Vietnam, Mr. Tung speaks Vietnamese, English, French and German.
7. Education Ph.D in Computer and Information Systems, New York University, 1985 Ph.D. in Managerial Economics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 1981 M.Phil, Business Administration, NYU Baccalaureate, Trung Hoc Vo Tanh, Nhatrang
8. Name (e-mail) of VACETS member(s) who have agreed to endorse your candidate:
Mr. Thao M. Le ([email protected])
9. Position Statement about VACETS
Dear VACETS members,
As an academic whose professional goals are to excel in research and diffusion of knowledge, I am proud to be an active member of VACETS. VACETS is sailing through its second year of existence. And there are good reasons for all of us to celebrate the remarkable achievements of VACETS, especially its forthcoming VITC conference, and to look forward for an association that would help us get together and collectively build a resourceful Vietnamese research community, worldwide.
I would like to join the VACETS leadership and its members to share a vision of making VACETS an accomplished non-for-profit, non-political and professional center of excellence that helps us promote the advance of science and technolgy among the Vietnamese community. To sustain a healthy development, there are, however, important challenges that lay ahead. One the one hand, we should work together to expand the networking of engineers and scientists. One the other hand and with the growth of its membership and professional activities, we should guard against any temptation that would lead VACETS away from its original mission. For this purpose, we should work together to build a shared vision for our association, establish strategic plans and actions, expand our resources to support our programs. With a loose structure, and as a management structure strictly based on voluntary and benevolent work, it is important for us to sustain our motivation, establish an environment conducive to collaborative work.
I have held a number management and administrative positions for professional and scientific organizations. During my student years, I served the president of the Vietnamese Student Association, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and a Board member of the Vietnamese Student Association in Switzerland. I was the Finance Chairperson - also on a voluntary basis - of the Monterey Bay Girl Scout Council (with more than 8,000 members). I currently serve as the Secretary of the College of Group Decision and Negotiation. With my management and scientific experiences, I would like to be a member of the VACETS Board to help moving VACETS in the direction which will truly serve the majority of members.
1. Te^n Ho./Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical accents): Han Quang Nguyen
2. Pha'i/Gender: Male
3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+?/e-mail address: [email protected]
4. Nghe^` nghie^.p/ Professional position: MTS/Sr. Design Engineer Wireless and Digital Communication Systems
Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs Innovations
5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS/ year joined VACETS: 1994
6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS \short biography and summary of activities in VACETS: - Paticipated in some activities (KP) of Vacets-Dict Forum - Writing a techinical book
7. Ho.c va^'n/Education: - Currently in a program for a Ph.D. degree in EE - MSEE
8. Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n/Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse your candidature: *** KHO^NG CA^`N THIE^'T - OPTIONAL ***
9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS/ Position statement about VACETS:
- Promote VACETS to a stronger Technical Society for the future young generations. - Create a technical entity within VACETS which can produce hardware/software products for profits. The products that each of VACETS members can be proud of.
1. Te^n Ho./Full name (Family, Given, Middle will all diacritical accents): Tinh Nguyen
2. Pha'i/Gender: Male
3. Ddi.a chi? ddie^.n tu+?/e-mail address: Tnguyen@
4. Nghe^` nghie^.p/ Professional position: Materials Scientist
5. Na(m gia nha^.p VACETS/ year joined VACETS: 1996
6. So+ lu+o+.c nghe^` nghie^.p va` hoa.t ddo^.ng trong VACETS \short biography and summary of activities in VACETS: New member; chaiman of planning committee.
Short Biosketch:
I was born just after WW2 and raised in a small village near Tuy Hoa, central Vietnam. (I have seen the poverty of our homeland and witnessed the miseries of our people, so please don't ask me about my political stand!) Finished High School in Tuy Hoa, 1966; moved to Sai Gon in 1966 and graduated Ky Su Thuy Lam, 1970; left Vietnam late 1970, completed MS under SEMEO Program in the Philippines, 1973; came to the US same year under a research assistantship and finished PhD at UC Berkely, 1979. Spent 3 years as a chemist for an oil company, and finally came to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (Nist is located in the state of Maryland and about 40 km NW of Washintong, DC) as a Material Scientist since 1982.
Enjoy research and areas of interests included surface and interface phenomena,adhesion and abhesion, degradation and durability of materials. Publish extensively (9 patents and 90 papers); travel and lecture extensively in the areas of interest (65 presentations); currently a project leader in two research areas: Protective Coatings and Durability of Polymer Composites in Infrastructure. Associate Editor of J. Materials Science in Civil Engineering.
Married and 2 boys: 16 and 18; passion sports: tennis and golf (a good, competitive set of tennis under a cool Spring or Fall Saturday morning is my ideal type of relaxation). Working philosophy: working together and seek concensus; professional ambition: contribution to the betterment of our society; active in Vietnamese Students Associations abroad and Vietnamese communities in their early stage of settlement.
7. Ho.c va^'n/Education: Ph.D
8. Te^n (e-mail) ca'c ho^.i vie^n VACETS u?ng ho^. u+'ng cu+? vie^n/Name (e-mail) of VACETS members who have agreed to endorse your candidature: *** KHO^NG CA^`N THIE^'T - OPTIONAL ***
9. La^.p tru+o+`ng va` chu+o+ng tri`nh cho VACETS/ Position statement about VACETS:
Keep Vacets free from politics (like any other technical associations); work together with members to make Vacets stronger, organizationally and financially, so that Vacets better serves its members with the hope that they contribute more effectively to the improvement of the overseas Vietnamese professionals and to the betterment of our contemporary society.
1. Name: Tri Caohuu
2. Gender: Male
3. Email Addresses: [email protected] [email protected]
4. Profession: Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering San Jose State University Dept. of Electrical Engineering One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0084
5. Year joined VACETS: 1994
6. Bio and Summary of VACETS Activities:
BSc., MSc., Ph.D. all in Electrical Engineering. Held various positions in Engineering and Management at Control Data, Barringer Research, Leigh Systems, and Bell Northern Research from 1972 to 1986. Was Director of Engineering of EMC Ltd. from 1982 to 1986. Adjunct Professor in the Dept. of Computer Engineering at Texas A & M, 1989. Currently serve as Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at San Jose State University. Consultant for a number of high-tech companies in the Bay area.
In addition to being a founding member of VACETS in 1994, served as an Advisor to VACETS and a member of the AD-COM committee. Also serve in the Technical Committee of VTIC'96 conference. Having paper published in the VACETS Technical Margazine and paper to be presented at the VTIC'96 conference. Worked closely with VACETS AdComm on policy issues of VACETS.
Currently serve in the following capacity in community services: . Faculty Advisor to the Vietnamse Student Association at SJSU; . Director of Viet-American Forum; and . Member of the Steering Committee of the Mayor on Vietnamese issues.
7. Education Background
Electrical Engineering Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
Fields of Expertise:
Computer Geometry VLSI Parallel Computation Special Purpose Architechtures HDL-based design methodology
Other Areas of Interests:
Simulation and modeling High-speed architecture for real-time image processing Finger-print recognition 8. Position Statement about VACETS
Dear VACETS members,
As an advisor to VACETS, I worked closely with the VACETS Board since the day of its establishment of VACETS. I would like to take this opportunity to thank VACETS AdComm for their leadership that has brought us together today. However, I realize that some of VACETS works are not yet done; more continuity will be required. This year, I would like to put more my time and energy to help VACETS completing these works. If I am elected as a VACETS Board member, it is easier for me to readdress some of VACETS goals, and drive VACETS to success.
I am quite impressed with the quality and the quantity of our membership. Perhaps this is the first time in many long years of working with the overseas Vietnamese community, I feel that we the "younger generation" can actually break the gap of communication, doubt, and mistrust to work together for the betterment of all concerns. The VACETS forums are extremely useful and we should be proud of VACETS' respectable achievements in such a short time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members who have put in so much time and effort to make VACETS into what it is today. However, I see that our organization is still loosely organized (i.e. anyone with access to a the Internet is pretty much qualified to be a member), and it is difficult to assess the strength of VACETS. The upcoming VTIC conference will certainly be a good measurement of VACETS cability.
VACETS is a professional non-profit, non-political, international association established "to provide a forum for members to exchange technical ideas and information in support of work and education, and discuss the applications of information technology around the word.." , (VACETS) "provides the media for members to enhance their knowledge, expertise and competitiveness...". I believe that while some of these objectives can be achieved by virtue of our communication on the net, any important goals are to be acquired by activities outside the Internet. VACETS should be made more real than just a message-passing set-up. We need to come up with more new good projects to work on, like VTIC'96, and magazines. Also "physical" interaction between members is very crucial for the development of friendship, we need to enhance our structure at the local level.
After some hesitation, I think that this is a right time for me to put more effort to work with VACETS AdComm to make VACETS a success. As a Board member, I will support many activities that keep VACETS growing.
Some of these are:
. Collect some token membership fee. This money will be used to perhaps alleviate some burden in clerical work. This will show some commitments on the part of the members (however small!), every other professional association have membership fee, why not us?
. Continue to publish VACETS Technical Magazine; we may consider to publish a Journal as well.
. Create new technical activities.
. Push for stronger local chapters with their own programs and activities (meeting, socializing, camping etc..).
. Organize annual VACETS conference.
. Expand VACETS activities to local chapters.
. Give awards to the best VACETS Technical Contributors of the Year.
. Formalize the interaction between VACETS and sponsoring industries.
I look forward to serving you. Best wishes for a happy and successful coming year.
If you have comments or suggestions, email to Tony Nguyen at [email protected]