VACETS Survey Questionaire
1. Full Name (First, Middle, Last):
2. E-Mail Address: 3. Are you a VACETS member? YesNo (Please skip to question #5, if the answer is "Yes") 4. Would you join VACETS now? YesNo ---- If Yes, Please click here for Membership Form 5. (Today) Date:
PART II - In order to allow VACETS Administrative Committee (AdCom) to improve VACETS services, please answer the following questions. Thank you very much for your help.
1. What has been your overall rating VACETS so far since the time you joined VACETS? (Please choose one)
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Bad
2. What do you rate our online environment and interaction between VACETS members? (Please choose one)
a. Friendly, professional, and helpful
b. Distant, less friendly, but somewhat helpful
c. Boring, hostile, unfriendly
d. Don't know
3. What do you rate the level of communications between VACETS AdCom and membership-wide? (Please choose one)
a. Responsive and helpful
b. Slow, not quite responsive
c. Don't see any communications
4. What's your perceprion of VACETS' direction and activities? (Please choose one)
a. Technical-oriented
b. Social-oriented
c. Community-oriented
d. Political-oriented
e. Don't know
5. What do you think VACETS as an organization should pay more focus on the following: ? (Please choose one)
a. Technical activities
b. Social activities
c. Community involvement
d. Political involvement
6. What would you rate VACETS Technical Columns, including "Science for Everyone" Column (Please choose one)
d. Lousy
e. Don't know - never read
7. What would you rate the VACETS Market Thyself Column? (Please choose one)
8. What do you rate the published VACETS Technical Magazine, Issue 1, February 1996 (Please choose one)
a. professional, too technical, helpful
b. professional, adequate technical, helpful
c. Boring, not edequate technical, but somewaht helpful
9. What do you rate the published VACETS VTIC '96 Proceedings, July 1-3, 1996, GMU (Please choose one)
c. Boring, not edequate technical, but somewhat helpful
10. What do you rate our published VACETS Spring Magazine, April 1996 (Please choose one).
11. Do you plan to receive VACETS Technical Journal, Issue 2, scheduled to publish at the end of February 1997 (Please choose one).
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecide
12. Do you plan to receive VACETS Spring Magazine, 1997, scheduled to publish in March 1997 (Please choose one).
13. What do you rate the VACETS Technical International Conference, July 1-3, 1996, GMU, if you attended it. (Please choose one).
14a. Do you plan to attend VACETS Technical International Conference 1997 (VTIC '97) , July 17-19, 1997, SJSU (Please choose one)?
14b. Do you plan to submit an article for VTIC '97 Proceedings (Please choose one)?
14c. Do you want to help VTIC '97 Organizing Committee (Please choose one)?
15a. Does your company want to financially sponsor to VTIC '97? (Please chose one)
(If "Yes", please provide your company's name and point of contact)
15b. Does your company want to exhibit products at VTIC '97? (Please chose one)
16. Do you plan to attend the first VACETS General Membership Meeting orgainized during VTIC '97 event (Please choose one)?
17. What do you rate VACETS AdCom handling of internal and external critisism? (Please choose one)
c. OK
d. Poor
18. How would you rank the neccessity of the following activities within VACETS (i.e. what would you want to see more)? (Please rank from 1 to 7, where 7 is the highest score)
a. Online technical discussions and Q&A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b. Online technical writings/publications via E-mail 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c. Web-based technical writings/publications 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
d. Technical/Scientific journal in paper forms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
e. Technical/scientific conferences 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
f. Contribution to local Vietnamese radio/TV stations/newspapers on popular technical programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
g. Social stuffs: pinic, dance, get-together 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
h. Poems, light-hearted writings, jokes (online), non-tech stuffs... i. Career/Education information 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
19. What would you rate the following forums? (Please rank from 1 to 7, where 7 is the highest.score. Indicate 0 if you don't know anything about the forum)
a. Main VACETS forum ([email protected]) : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b. Column VACETS forum ([email protected]): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c. vacets-tech : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
d. vacets-gen: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
e. vacets-jobs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
f. vacets-dict: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
g. vacets-issues: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
20. How often you visit the VACETS Web Page? (Please choose one)
a. daily
b. 2-5 days
c. weekly
d. monthly
e. never visit
21. What would you rate the VACETS Home Page ? (Please choose one)
e. Don't know - never visit
22. What would you rate the VACETS Technical Library?
e. Don't know - never access the library
23. Do you plan to participating in voting annual lection of VACETS Board of Directors in this April, 1997? (you have to be a registered member to participate in this vote activity, click here for membership form) (Please choose one)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Undecide
24. What kind of E-mail software do you most frequently use? (Please choose one)
a. MS Exchange
b. Eudora
c. Netscape
d. Other graphical E-mail tools (SUN, X Window, etc.)
e. Standard text-based E-mail tools
f. Others. Please specify:
25. What kind of Web-browser software do you most frequently use?
a. MS Internet Explorer
b. Netscape Navigator
c. Spry's Mosaic
d. AOL Web browser
e. Other. Please specify:
f. Do not have Web access
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